Warning: WP_Syntax::substituteToken(): Argument #1 ($match) must be passed by reference, value given in /www/wwwroot/fawdlstty.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-syntax/wp-syntax.php on line 383
Warning: WP_Syntax::substituteToken(): Argument #1 ($match) must be passed by reference, value given in /www/wwwroot/fawdlstty.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-syntax/wp-syntax.php on line 383
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 | (function($) { if ($.fn.style) { return; } // Escape regex chars with \ var escape = function(text) { return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); }; // For those who need them (< IE 9), add support for CSS functions var isStyleFuncSupported = !!CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue; if (!isStyleFuncSupported) { CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue = function(a) { return this.getAttribute(a); }; CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setProperty = function(styleName, value, priority) { this.setAttribute(styleName, value); var priority = typeof priority != 'undefined' ? priority : ''; if (priority != '') { // Add priority manually var rule = new RegExp(escape(styleName) + '\\s*:\\s*' + escape(value) + '(\\s*;)?', 'gmi'); this.cssText = this.cssText.replace(rule, styleName + ': ' + value + ' !' + priority + ';'); } }; CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.removeProperty = function(a) { return this.removeAttribute(a); }; CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyPriority = function(styleName) { var rule = new RegExp(escape(styleName) + '\\s*:\\s*[^\\s]*\\s*!important(\\s*;)?', 'gmi'); return rule.test(this.cssText) ? 'important' : ''; } } // The style function $.fn.style = function(styleName, value, priority) { // DOM node var node = this.get(0); // Ensure we have a DOM node if (typeof node == 'undefined') { return this; } // CSSStyleDeclaration var style = this.get(0).style; // Getter/Setter if (typeof styleName != 'undefined') { if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // Set style property priority = typeof priority != 'undefined' ? priority : ''; style.setProperty(styleName, value, priority); return this; } else { // Get style property return style.getPropertyValue(styleName); } } else { // Get CSSStyleDeclaration return style; } }; })(jQuery); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | $('#id').style('display', 'block !important'); //上面是我认为最好理解的调用方式,下面是作者给出的调用方式 var div = $('someDiv'); console.log(div.style('color')); div.style('color', 'red'); console.log(div.style('color')); div.style('color', 'blue', 'important'); console.log(div.style('color')); console.log(div.style().getPropertyPriority('color')); |